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David K. Hicok, ChFC

What I’m Grateful For

Education Featured Lifestyle Uncategorized

By David Hicok, ChFC These monthly musings are usually reserved for financial topics; thoughts on the markets, how changes to the tax rates might affect us, things like that.  Today I want to talk about Gratitude.  Not just what I am grateful .

Take Hold of Life

Education Lifestyle Stories

Lately, we have been talking about the markets and market volatility. What can we do about it? Not much, so let’s focus on what we can control. We are living longer so let’s take better care of ourselves and strive for a better life. Let’s put .

Modernizing your Business

Featured Lifestyle Stories

There is so much in the way of new technology that it seems impossible to keep up with it all. There are so many digital tools available to businesses that it can be hard to evaluate what you need and this article certainly isn’t going to be one .

Sell in May and Go Away?

Economy Featured Risk Management Stock Markets

What is this adage based on and is it good advice? Since trading in markets began, traders have been trying to figure out how markets work, what patterns to watch and how to predict the market ups and downs. After all, if you could figure out .

The Market Ups and Downs

Featured Risk Management Stock Markets Stories

What is going on with the markets?  You may have noticed recently that stock and bond markets have suddenly become more volatile, more prone to ups and downs. Until recently, volatility has been at an all-time low. How do we measure it .

Tax Changes Are Coming Next Year, but You Can Plan for Them Now

Current Tax & Finance Featured Lifestyle

With the potential major changes to our tax laws in 2018, there are a few things that you can do now to help protect your future, but you have to act now! This article from the New York Times is very well written and informative. We suggest that .