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Current Tax & Finance

Paper Overload

Current Tax & Finance Education Featured Lifestyle

Is your garage or home filing system overflowing with bank statements and paid bills from ten years ago?  Are you unsure about what documents need to be retained and what can be tossed? Speaking of tossing, what documents can be tossed in the .

The 6 Best Ways to Save For College

Current Tax & Finance Education Featured Lifestyle

With the cost of attending a traditional 4-year university somewhere between ridiculous and ludicrous, many students and parents alike have looked towards cheaper alternatives such as online universities or attending a junior or community .

Tax Changes Are Coming Next Year, but You Can Plan for Them Now

Current Tax & Finance Featured Lifestyle

With the potential major changes to our tax laws in 2018, there are a few things that you can do now to help protect your future, but you have to act now! This article from the New York Times is very well written and informative. We suggest that .