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The Silent Struggle: Why Baby Boomers Avoid Tough Conversations About Health and Wealth

Education Featured Financial Planning Lifestyle Money

In the wake of profound societal shifts, Baby Boomers—those born between 1946 and 1964—have often found themselves at a crossroads. While this generation has made remarkable strides in various aspects of life, one area where many still struggle .

Families Dealing with Addiction: A Roadmap to Stability and Support

Featured Financial Planning Investments Lifestyle Money Risk Management

Dealing with addiction within a family can have a profound impact on various aspects of life, including finances. It is crucial for families to not only provide support and care for their loved ones struggling with addiction but also to navigate .

Divorce + Emotions + Money Innocence

Education Featured Lifestyle Risk Management Stories

Financial assets can refer to many different types of accounts, investments, cash, cars, collectibles, real estate, and much more.  During a divorce, the individuals involved will often only discuss splitting everything 50-50.  However, some of .

Spending in Retirement

Education Featured Lifestyle Risk Management Stories

When it comes to retirement and finances, there is no shortage of advice on why you should save or how you should save. You see the commercials on TV showing one tiny domino gradually becoming a massive tower, or friends and family members are .

Why is it so hard to buy a new washer/dryer?

Featured Lifestyle Stories Technology

Granted, I lean towards being cheap when I am considering new, large purchases and I tend to own “things” for a long time. As long as it works, why replace!  Plus, I am a financial planner and I would rather save money then spend my hard-earned .

Divorce + Financial Planning

Education Featured Lifestyle Risk Management Stories

Authored by Lauren Mullee, Partner with Buncher Family Law. Reprinted with her permission. Lauren Mullee, partner with Buncher Family Law, recently met up with Keythe Ward-Aguilar Certified Financial Planner and founder of ProCore Advisors, in .

5 Reasons Why Renting May Be Right For You

Education Featured Lifestyle Risk Management Stories

Somewhere along the way the “American Dream” was to own a home. But, should it be? It has been somewhat of an ideology for generations that owning your home means that you have achieved a certain milestone in life. That status symbol of owning a .

Paper Overload

Current Tax & Finance Education Featured Lifestyle

Is your garage or home filing system overflowing with bank statements and paid bills from ten years ago?  Are you unsure about what documents need to be retained and what can be tossed? Speaking of tossing, what documents can be tossed in the .

Investing in Self-Driving Taxis

Economy Featured Lifestyle Stock Markets

For decades people have obsessed over the self-driving car, which was once reserved as only science fiction on the big screen, has now come to be reality. There are already several autonomous vehicles driving on the roads today by the firms .

9 Ways You Can Prepare Your Finances for 2019

Education Featured Lifestyle Risk Management

The holidays and vacations are over, the kids are back to school and we are all set to start our New Year resolutions.  If building wealth or maintaining financial security is on your list of resolutions, here are nine questions you can ask .