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Stock Markets

The Looming Giant: U.S. Debt Interest Costs

Economy Money Risk Management Stock Markets

In the intricate tapestry of the United States’ economy, few threads are as significant and yet as often overlooked as its debt interest payments. With interest on US debt nearing a staggering $1 trillion annually, it’s a financial phenomenon .

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Education Featured Stock Markets

Every month I sit down to write this newsletter with the hopes that you’ll find it interesting and timely and that it will make some difference in your life.  I try to resist making any predictions about where the market, economy, interest rates .

In Bear Country Without Enough Toilet Paper

Economy Education Featured Stock Markets Stories

The pandemic is here, and we’ve found ourselves in bear country without enough toilet paper. When markets fall as rapidly as they have over the last few weeks and the country is going into lockdown, it’s reasonable to be worried about a .

Will slower global growth mean a slowdown for the U.S.?

Economy Education Featured Stock Markets

Let’s break down some facts from this year… Despite better production for many countries during the first part of the year, consensus is that global growth is still seen to drop this year due to softer dynamics among developed economies. For the .

Market Update Q2, 2019

Economy Education Featured Stock Markets

2019 is off to a good start. Believe it or not, in the first quarter the S&P 500 index increased in value 13.1%, which was the largest quarterly increase since Q3 2009 (+15.0%). However, you can look at it as recapturing the overblown .

Investing in Self-Driving Taxis

Economy Featured Lifestyle Stock Markets

For decades people have obsessed over the self-driving car, which was once reserved as only science fiction on the big screen, has now come to be reality. There are already several autonomous vehicles driving on the roads today by the firms .

Rising Rates Study and the Effect on Equities

Economy Featured Risk Management Stock Markets

by guest author:  Andrew L. Berkin Berkin begins his analysis of the historical evidence with a review of the theory of the relationship between bond yields and stock returns. He asks: Why might stocks go down when yields rise? Basic investment .

The Final Stretch of 2018!

Economy Featured Stock Markets

As we head into the final quarter of the year, I feel this would be a good time to reflect back on 2018 and answer the question which is on everyone’s mind. When will the Bull Run be over? A few bright spots after a bright start. This year has .

Mid-Year Review of the Financial Markets (Video)

Economy Education Featured Stock Markets

Mid-Year Review of Financial Markets We are pleased to provide this 15 minute video on a Mid-Year Review of the Financial Markets from our colleague and friend, Charley Wright.  It includes a brief review of the investment performance of the ten .

Sell in May and Go Away?

Economy Featured Risk Management Stock Markets

What is this adage based on and is it good advice? Since trading in markets began, traders have been trying to figure out how markets work, what patterns to watch and how to predict the market ups and downs. After all, if you could figure out .