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Divorce + Emotions + Money Innocence

Education Featured Lifestyle Risk Management Stories

Financial assets can refer to many different types of accounts, investments, cash, cars, collectibles, real estate, and much more.  During a divorce, the individuals involved will often only discuss splitting everything 50-50.  However, some of .

In Bear Country Without Enough Toilet Paper

Economy Education Featured Stock Markets Stories

The pandemic is here, and we’ve found ourselves in bear country without enough toilet paper. When markets fall as rapidly as they have over the last few weeks and the country is going into lockdown, it’s reasonable to be worried about a .

Spending in Retirement

Education Featured Lifestyle Risk Management Stories

When it comes to retirement and finances, there is no shortage of advice on why you should save or how you should save. You see the commercials on TV showing one tiny domino gradually becoming a massive tower, or friends and family members are .

Why is it so hard to buy a new washer/dryer?

Featured Lifestyle Stories Technology

Granted, I lean towards being cheap when I am considering new, large purchases and I tend to own “things” for a long time. As long as it works, why replace!  Plus, I am a financial planner and I would rather save money then spend my hard-earned .

Divorce + Financial Planning

Education Featured Lifestyle Risk Management Stories

Authored by Lauren Mullee, Partner with Buncher Family Law. Reprinted with her permission. Lauren Mullee, partner with Buncher Family Law, recently met up with Keythe Ward-Aguilar Certified Financial Planner and founder of ProCore Advisors, in .

5 Reasons Why Renting May Be Right For You

Education Featured Lifestyle Risk Management Stories

Somewhere along the way the “American Dream” was to own a home. But, should it be? It has been somewhat of an ideology for generations that owning your home means that you have achieved a certain milestone in life. That status symbol of owning a .

Many Women Are Becoming Smarter With Their Financial Future

Education Featured Lifestyle Risk Management Stories

– yet some continue to encounter struggles Women are controlling more of their individual wealth these days. However, there are still a few situations that many women do not think about, often derailing their financial future. I myself at one .

Take Hold of Life

Education Lifestyle Stories

Lately, we have been talking about the markets and market volatility. What can we do about it? Not much, so let’s focus on what we can control. We are living longer so let’s take better care of ourselves and strive for a better life. Let’s put .

Modernizing your Business

Featured Lifestyle Stories

There is so much in the way of new technology that it seems impossible to keep up with it all. There are so many digital tools available to businesses that it can be hard to evaluate what you need and this article certainly isn’t going to be one .

The Market Ups and Downs

Featured Risk Management Stock Markets Stories

What is going on with the markets?  You may have noticed recently that stock and bond markets have suddenly become more volatile, more prone to ups and downs. Until recently, volatility has been at an all-time low. How do we measure it .